This is a collection of excellent free math resources for families with children ages 0 to 8.
Downloads These PDFs are collected here in one place for your easy download.
Websites These websites have excellent math activities for families to do together.
We are trying to keep these lists short and not encyclopedic. However, if we have left off a resource that you like, please contact us and let us know what it is and why you like it.
BIP Lab UChicago MKIT - Math Kit
Download and try out this free collection of family math activities from the BIP Lab.
Number Cards
While standard playing cards have numbered cards (non-face cards) with numerals and a quantity of pips (dots), specialized number cards leverage particular presentations to deepen understandings. Quantities are represented in many forms: dots randomly placed, dots placed in geometric patterns, dots in ten frames, raised fingers on hands, tick marks organized in groups of five, and many others.
EFM Number Cards – These designs are included in the Printables file that is part of every download of the EFM Activity Chapters.
Math for Love – Tiny Polka Dot cards – Use the link above to download these cards together with game ideas.
Build Math Minds – Download Savvy Subitizing Cards at .
Erikson Institute – Download their subitizing cards at .
EFM Multiplication Cards – These are described on the Multiplication Cards and Tables page in EFM Chapter 5. These are similar to the cards of Denise Gaskins in her Multiplication and Fractions book, and they are also similar to Math for Love’s Multiplication by Heart cards
– This section is under development –
This is a list of sites with great free material for families to play with. To be on this list, a site must have free material that goes beyond routine, basic mathematical skill building. This list will soon include descriptions of what each site has to offer. Please email us suggestions for sites you feel deserve to be on this list.
Beast Academy Playground - AoPS
IES (Institute of Education Sciences) – They have a Community Math Night Facilitators’ Toolkit that offers a very detailed and all encompassing approach to putting on a family math event.
Let’s Play Math - Denise Gaskins
Love Maths - Michael Minas
Math For Love - Dan Finkel
Mixing in Math - TERC
Open Middle - Robert Kaplinsky
Same But Different Math - Sue Looney
Young Mathematicians - EDC