EFM Newsletters
March – 4th Anniversary – Why is EFM Needed? and Why Aren’t You Outraged?
February – Doing relaxed exploration with your child by gently guiding and following
January - Programming for Young Children
December – EFM & ESM mobile apps. Learning geometry through fitting shapes together.
November – Celebrating EFM volunteers. Exploring Fractals and the new EFM storybook “Dragon Curve.”
October - Celebrating EFM volunteers. Observations from an international education symposium.
September - Data analysis activities for young children
August - Graph theory activities for preschoolers
July - Topology activities for preschoolers – part II
June - Topology activities for preschoolers – part I
May - Number theory activities for preschoolers
April - How to make focused practice on particular skills into playful practice using games and puzzles
March - Ways to make a difference for early math education for families
February - Discussion of leap days, calendars, year lengths, and continued fractions
January - Animal math (number bases) and ancient number systems that use different bases
December – Alex Box and I get in the holiday spirit and describe joyful moments teaching and learning math
November – This has a description of Reggio Emilia and Montessori teaching methods
October – The use of EFM’s annotated storybooks in combining math and reading, and encouraging Math Talk
September - Teaching methods from Harvard’s Project Zero
August -How to welcome more people into the world of mathematics – a discussion of access points
July - How to have intentional math fun while learning and teaching mathematics
June - How to use Steve Wyborney’s “Splat!” methods to teach quantities and early mathematics
May - A discussion of the role of spatial reasoning math and math education
April - Some math puzzles from James Tanton’s books on math without words.
March - The role of applications in learning mathematics